Taoism and Agility Webinar

[ Dov Tsal | Agile Transformation Coach ]

28 June 2018

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm IST

Online Webinar



Dov Tsal

(Agile Transformation Coach)

Dov Tsal is an Agile Coach, Enabler and Change Agent with more than 20 years of experience in Software and Enterprise Agile transformation. He is an avid agilist, who started his professional journey as a Software Developer and 'Manager'. The Agile movement met his frustration ten years ago, in time to become a Scrum Master, a Product Owner and an Agile-coach. The more he worked, the more he felt transformation should focus on mindset and the will to change, hence Dov currently works closely with HR departments in addition to IT, and helps tailor specific solutions rather than apply a 'one-process-fits-all' approach.

Session Overview

"A journey of a thousand miles begins at the spot under one's feet" (Lau Tzu, 600 BC, from "The Agile Tao" translation). So, many of the Agile principles are linked to Taoist philosophy: Self-organization - Reacting to change over following a plan - Maximizing the work not done - Progressing in a sustainable pace, to mention just a few. In this webcast, we will present what Taoism is, discuss some of the aspects that fascinate us in it concerning agile transformation, and read segments from Peter's fascinating book - "The Agile Tao".

Learning Objective

  • What is Taoism?
  • Understand Taoism in Agile context
  • Taoism practices and principles
  • Connection between Taoism and Agile
  • Q & A discussion.

Want to Participate?

You can reach us to book in-house class
